Saturday, April 6, 2013

Praise to God for His Grace
I did not come to Thee, Lord,
Until I heard Thy call.
Nor wanted to be free, until
Thou didst my soul enthrall. 
A joyful slave, with sin-stopped ears,
I wandered lost for many years.
I did not hear Thy call, Lord,
Till Thou mine ears didst heal.
I could not see Thy beauty till
Thyself Thou didst reveal,
And NEVER would have come to Thee,
If Thou hadst not my soul set free.
Oh, wondrous grace! I praise Thy Name,
Oh, Thou who madest mine eyes to see;
And madest me love Thee from that day
Thou brakest my chains and set me free.
Oh, sing, my soul, and dance with joy!
Sweet grace the rebel's heart doth claim!
And let me ev'ry part employ
To magnify His awesome Name.
mlc  10/20/12

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Grace Upon Grace
I loved my sin and did not care
For holy things and saints of God,
Nor wished to breathe celestial air -
Content, this darkened earth I trod.
I had no longing for the Lord,
His beauty I refused to see,
Nor trembled at His holy Word:
I mocked and scorned sweet Wisdom's plea.

But then an awesome sight I saw:
A Saviour, hanging on a tree.
Grace then did make me turn aside
And there the Lamb did speak to me:
"'Tis for your sin, this crown of thorns;
Your wicked ways My blood does spill;
In love divine I pour it out,
To bring you captive to My will."

And gently He did turn my heart
To love His saints and all His ways;
To long to be at home with Him
In light, for everlasting days.
He drew me then to follow Him -
His wondrous glory filled my sight;
Now wisdom's path I long to tread,
And His sweet law is my delight.
mlc 10-20-12